• Divorce

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    You never thought this day would come. What once felt like an exciting new beginning is coming to a painful end. What do you do now? Whether you’re facing a divorce, are recently divorced, or hoping to avoid divorce, these Equipping Keys for Life Transformation can help you start a new chapter.

    Learn what the Bible says about marriage, divorce, and remarriage as well as separation. Discover how to handle logistics, such as telling others, preparing children, and managing finances. You might feel broken, but God can heal and help you begin a new day with hope.

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  • Dysfunctional Family

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    Far too many families today can be described as dysfunctional. Boundaries are bulldozed, rules are ransacked, and dysfunction produces more destruction. If you were raised in a dysfunctional family, then you are likely raising your own children the same way. Realize, the dynamics of dysfunction are detrimental to the family.

    In these Equipping Keys for Life Transformation, discover how to cultivate your family now for the generations that follow as you learn to establish and apply key principles of biblical truth in your own family.

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  • Envy & Jealousy

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    At the heart of much turbulence in life blow the winds of envy and jealousy. Do you know the difference between the two? Envy can be described as empty hands craving to be filled. Jealousy could be viewed as full hands fearing to be emptied. These terrible twins can be equally damaging to your life and relationships.

    In these Equipping Keys for Life Transformation, learn the causes of these emotions, how to recognize them in your life, and how to guard against discontentment. Discover how Christ can be your source of true and lasting contentment.

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  • Ethics & Integrity

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    In our ever-changing world, how do you know what’s right – what’s true? We all want to do the “right thing,” but sometimes it’s hard to know what that is. The answer lies in understanding ethics – the systems of belief that help us determine right from wrong and guide all our decisions.

    In these Equipping Keys for Life Transformation, you’ll discover six ethical systems and how they compare to the truth of God’s Word. Learn how you can be a person of integrity – biblical integrity – and consistently do what’s right in God’s sight.

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  • Fear

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    Are you often overwhelmed with feelings of foreboding … even when things are going well? Do you frequently find the muscles in your neck tightening and your stomach churning when in unfamiliar situations or places? Fear is like a chain around your heart – it paralyzes, entraps, and enslaves.

    In these Equipping Keys for Life Transformation, discover how to move from fear to faith – from panic to peace. Understand the love and power of Christ in your life as you depend on Him for strength and help in every fearful situation you face.

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  • Forgiveness

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    If you’ve been wounded by someone, how do you “get over it”? People want to forgive and forget . . . but often the pain is just too deep. Although hurts may have happened days, months, or even years ago, forgiveness seems out of reach. What if the offender never asks to be forgiven? Is there a difference between forgiveness and reconciliation?

    In these Equipping Keys for Life Transformation, discover the four stages of forgiveness, which are all designed to help restore emotional wholeness and emulate Jesus’s heart for forgiveness.

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  • Hope

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    Have you ever felt a sense of hopelessness because your life was turned upside down and you didn’t know where you were headed—that your life had drifted off course? When you are in trouble and feeling overwhelmed, you need something to stabilize your life. You need an anchor. These Keys for Living will help anchor your life by explaining the unshakable hope you have in Christ. Learn the difference between cultural and Christian hope, how to identify unreliable anchors you may mistakenly look to for help, and how God’s unchanging Word offers hope and stability for uncertain times.

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  • Identity and Self Image

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    Who are you? It’s a simple question with endless answers. You may look to your job, your family, your country, or even your hobbies to describe who you are. But what happens when you’ve built your identity on a role or a relationship—and then it changes or comes to an end? The damage to your self-image and identity can be devastating. These Keys for Living explain the unshakable, rock-solid identity you have in Christ. Learn how to confront lies and misplaced identities with God’s truth. Discover how to see yourself as God sees you and how to live out your identity as a child of God.

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  • Intimacy

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    The road to intimacy contains many potholes, roadblocks, and detours. We all want close, intimate relationships, but it’s a struggle to take off your mask, overcome your fears, and show people the real you.

    These Equipping Keys for Life Transformation show you how to break down the barriers that block intimacy and how to develop trust, vulnerability, and transparency in your relationships with God and others. Discover God’s unconditional love for you and how it can transform your life and relationships forever!

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