• I Lead

    Author(s): Gary Morais, Paul Crews

    In today’s world there is an enormous need for healthy mature leaders. Why? Because most people have not been taught real leadership thinking skills. Sure, they may have completed a course or attended a class, but were not taught healthy, mature thinking characteristics possessed by great leaders. 

    The book you hold in your hand is significantly different from the majority of leadership books you may have read. 

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  • I Hurt

    Author(s): Gary Morais

    Who do know that is struggling in relationships, personal challenges, addictions, or just “feeling stuck” in life? This book provides life transforming solutions in an easy to read, practical format.  It is designed to give you tools that have already helped thousands of people to actually change their lives, and may not only help you, but equip you to help others. The content in this book not only gives you these solutions but will help you see Jesus in a more intimate, personal way.  We are called to be Christ-like, so we need to think about what it means to be like Christ! We are told to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2) – to change our thinking. As we learn how to do that, we will become more like Him, transforming our lives, and how we interact with others, resulting in a more fulfilled, joyful life.

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  • Who Am I? The Journey into Self-Discovery from a Biblical Point of View

    Author(s): Gary Morais, Susan Sorian-Morais

    Every day we are being told who and what we are supposed to be. Empirical research estimates that 95% of people in the U.S. do not know who they are. The result? This affects communication and relationships, causing us to be vulnerable to the influence of what is around us, instead of secure in who we really are. This little book can be life-changing, as the clinically proven, Biblical principles are applied to our lives. Who Am I?  is a journey to self-discovery and personal freedom, overcoming fears, anxieties, and those feelings of inadequacy and “being stuck” as we begin to truly realize who we were created to be. 

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  • Abuse Recovery

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    Despite its prevalence, abuse is not a comfortable topic to discuss. The reach of abuse extends around the world to people of every background, age and stage of life. And though physical wounds heal in time, emotional damage can last for years. But can there be hope for change … for complete healing? Yes!

    These Keys for Living show how to find healing from past pain, how to process difficult emotions, and how to help others who have been abused. Discover your God-given worth, and start walking in freedom and moving forward with hope.

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  • Adultery

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    The betrayal is unspeakable. The heartache, unbearable. Adultery breaks trust, shatters intimacy, and destroys relationships. You’re left to pick up the pieces. How do you move forward? These Equipping Keys for Life Transformation provide practical steps for both the faithful and unfaithful spouse in the aftermath of an affair.

    Learn how to confront and respond to infidelity, how to seek intervention, and when to rebuild trust. You may be in a cloud of confusion now, but God’s Word offers answers to clear the way and reveals hope for a brighter future.

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  • Anger

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    Anger is a God-given emotion, yet many believe anger is always negative, always a sin. We stuff it, hide it, avoid it, and deny it. But hidden anger only fuels the fire inside.

    These Equipping Keys for Life Transformation will help you identify the four sources of anger and learn how to apply the quick answer to anger. You will also find biblical solutions for resolving past anger and practical tools to identify triggers, handle angry people, and act rather than react in volatile situations.

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  • Anxiety

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    The fearful unknowns, unending what-ifs, sleepless nights, and nervousness lead to a sense of impending doom. Then muscles tense, thoughts race, hearts pound, and breath is shortened – it’s anxiety. And it affects an estimated 40 million adults in the U.S. alone.

    Anxiety is complex and multifaceted, affecting every area of life. The good news is God invites you to bring your anxiety to Him. In these Equipping Keys for Life Transformation, learn the types of anxiety disorders, common characteristics and causes, and ways to manage anxiety. Discover how God’s Word can help calm the fearful, anxious heart.

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  • Boundaries

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    If you are a “people-pleaser” and have trouble saying No, then you need boundaries. Sometimes we need to say No to people so we can say Yes to God. Boundaries are needed in all areas of life, but they can be difficult to establish and even harder to maintain.

    These Equipping Keys for Life Transformation will teach you how to communicate rewards and repercussions and how to respond when boundaries are broken.

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  • Bullying

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    The statistics are staggering. The consequences are critical. From students to stockbrokers, in neighborhoods and nursing homes, the brutal behavior of bullying runs rampant. Whether maligned in social media or demoralized in one’s declining years—bullying is a problem worldwide.

    Whether you are the bullied, the bystander, the bully, or the parent of a bully, God’s Word provides practical help for dealing with this destructive societal downfall. In these Equipping Keys for Life Transformation, discover how God’s truth can equip you with right thinking, and how His unfailing love can mend the broken heart.

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  • Conflict Resolution

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    In your mind, does the word conflict spell t-r-o-u-b-l-e? Disharmony in the home, wars in the workplace, disputes in the church—each situation should lead us to the One to whom we turn for direction, strength, and courage, but does it always?

    These Equipping Keys for Life Transformation will help you come to understand the differences between resolution and reconciliation, and come to believe that resolution rests in confronting the wrong . . . with the right heart. Learn to identify who creates conflict and who keeps it going, as well as the whatwhy, and how of boundaries in conflict resolution.

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  • Confrontation

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    Do you know someone whose life has taken a wrong turn, who is heading away from God and His divine purpose for their life? Do you stand by and say nothing? Or, do you confront with a spirit of love and grace? Confrontation can be awkward, even risky, but it is biblical if done for the purpose of exposing what is wrong to establish what is right.

    In these Equipping Keys for Life Transformation, learn when confrontation is necessary and when to delay confrontation. Discover five methods of confrontation found in Scripture, and how to gain confidence in challenging others for the purpose of conviction, correction, and a changed life.

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  • Critical Spirit

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    Is someone in your life overly critical of you or unusually harsh with you? Maybe it’s someone close—a spouse, a boss, a friend, a parent. If you’ve been at the receiving end of caustic words and attitudes, or if you recognize having the heart of a critic yourself, God’s Word offers practical solutions to such critical clamor.

    These Equipping Keys for Life Transformation will show you how to respond to harsh criticism, confront someone with a critical spirit, accept constructive criticism, and triumph over negative criticism with truth.

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  • Depression

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    We are a discipleship ministry called to equip and encourage the saints in developing a Christ-like character, providing educational biblically based programs, training materials and tools that are specific to everyone’s life.

    •  Individual and couples coaching
    •  Pastoral/leadership/staff development
    •  Certification Training for Christian counselors & coaches
    •  Transformational retreats for churches
    • Couples and family workshop/retreats
    • Developing lay coaching ministries for churches
    • Consulting and speaking engagements for churches
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  • Divorce

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    You never thought this day would come. What once felt like an exciting new beginning is coming to a painful end. What do you do now? Whether you’re facing a divorce, are recently divorced, or hoping to avoid divorce, these Equipping Keys for Life Transformation can help you start a new chapter.

    Learn what the Bible says about marriage, divorce, and remarriage as well as separation. Discover how to handle logistics, such as telling others, preparing children, and managing finances. You might feel broken, but God can heal and help you begin a new day with hope.

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  • Dysfunctional Family

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    Far too many families today can be described as dysfunctional. Boundaries are bulldozed, rules are ransacked, and dysfunction produces more destruction. If you were raised in a dysfunctional family, then you are likely raising your own children the same way. Realize, the dynamics of dysfunction are detrimental to the family.

    In these Equipping Keys for Life Transformation, discover how to cultivate your family now for the generations that follow as you learn to establish and apply key principles of biblical truth in your own family.

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  • Envy & Jealousy

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    At the heart of much turbulence in life blow the winds of envy and jealousy. Do you know the difference between the two? Envy can be described as empty hands craving to be filled. Jealousy could be viewed as full hands fearing to be emptied. These terrible twins can be equally damaging to your life and relationships.

    In these Equipping Keys for Life Transformation, learn the causes of these emotions, how to recognize them in your life, and how to guard against discontentment. Discover how Christ can be your source of true and lasting contentment.

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  • Ethics & Integrity

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    In our ever-changing world, how do you know what’s right – what’s true? We all want to do the “right thing,” but sometimes it’s hard to know what that is. The answer lies in understanding ethics – the systems of belief that help us determine right from wrong and guide all our decisions.

    In these Equipping Keys for Life Transformation, you’ll discover six ethical systems and how they compare to the truth of God’s Word. Learn how you can be a person of integrity – biblical integrity – and consistently do what’s right in God’s sight.

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  • Fear

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    Are you often overwhelmed with feelings of foreboding … even when things are going well? Do you frequently find the muscles in your neck tightening and your stomach churning when in unfamiliar situations or places? Fear is like a chain around your heart – it paralyzes, entraps, and enslaves.

    In these Equipping Keys for Life Transformation, discover how to move from fear to faith – from panic to peace. Understand the love and power of Christ in your life as you depend on Him for strength and help in every fearful situation you face.

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  • Forgiveness

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    If you’ve been wounded by someone, how do you “get over it”? People want to forgive and forget . . . but often the pain is just too deep. Although hurts may have happened days, months, or even years ago, forgiveness seems out of reach. What if the offender never asks to be forgiven? Is there a difference between forgiveness and reconciliation?

    In these Equipping Keys for Life Transformation, discover the four stages of forgiveness, which are all designed to help restore emotional wholeness and emulate Jesus’s heart for forgiveness.

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  • Hope

    Author(s): Journey2Love

    Have you ever felt a sense of hopelessness because your life was turned upside down and you didn’t know where you were headed—that your life had drifted off course? When you are in trouble and feeling overwhelmed, you need something to stabilize your life. You need an anchor. These Keys for Living will help anchor your life by explaining the unshakable hope you have in Christ. Learn the difference between cultural and Christian hope, how to identify unreliable anchors you may mistakenly look to for help, and how God’s unchanging Word offers hope and stability for uncertain times.

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