Who Am I? The Journey into Self-Discovery from a Biblical Point of View

Author(s): Gary Morais, Susan Sorian-Morais

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2022

Pages: 84


Details: Print Product |

Every day we are being told who and what we are supposed to be. Empirical research estimates that 95% of people in the U.S. do not know who they are. The result? This affects communication and relationships, causing us to be vulnerable to the influence of what is around us, instead of secure in who we really are. This little book can be life-changing, as the clinically proven, Biblical principles are applied to our lives. Who Am I?  is a journey to self-discovery and personal freedom, overcoming fears, anxieties, and those feelings of inadequacy and “being stuck” as we begin to truly realize who we were created to be. 

It has been said that around 95% of people today don't know who they are! Because of how people view themselves, it can cause them to struggle in their lives with motivation, communication, and relationships. Knowing who you are makes you less vulnerable because it provides the foundation of internal confidence for effective communication and positive experiences in life.

What you can discover in this book:

·         Identify what is holding you back - that feeling of "being stuck"

·         Understand the difference between Real Independence vs False Independence

·         Overcome feelings of inadequacy based upon false assumptions

·         Help you discover WHO YOU ARE, building internal confidence

This book can be a life changing experience!

CHAPTER 1 Who Do You Think You Are?

CHAPTER 2 Jesus Knew Who He Was

CHAPTER 3 How Do I React Because of Who I Think I Am?

CHAPTER 4 How Has That Affected Relationships?

CHAPTER 5 Feeling Stuck versus Moving Forward

CHAPTER 6 Truth and Reward

CHAPTER 7 So, Who Am I?—Discover the Truth

CHAPTER 8 Advantage of Knowing Who You Are

CHAPTER 9 So, Where Do I Go From Here?


Gary Morais

Gary Morais has dedicated his life to helping people in their personal healing and growth in faith for nearly 40 years. He is a certified master coach, author, business and ministry consultant, who had a licensed marriage and family therapist practice for 17 years in Monterey, CA. Gary is the Founder and Vice Chairman of ThinkX Inc., and was the Managing Partner of Bottom Line Results, LLC, a human capital technology organization based upon his patented brain thinking research. Gary invented the Px-12™ Profile for therapists and businesses which measures the brain’s thinking algorithms that are linked to stress, fears, wellbeing, and human performance, and the Equipping Profile™ for ministry, helping God’s people to grow and develop to become more Christ-like.  Gary Morais is the Director of ministry, a division of Full Life Ministries, focusing on equipping God’s people to become all they were created to be, by helping them to live their purpose and calling in life.

Susan Sorian-Morais

Susan Sorian-Morais has been actively involved in church ministry for over 40 years, as a Bible Study Teacher, Children’s Ministry and Worship Leader, pastor’s assistant, Biblical Lay Counselor and certified Grief Group facilitator. She has been a pastor’s widow, raised 8 children, and has assisted in and established several different ministry-related 501c3 non-profit organizations.  Her greatest delight is found in discipling others and helping them to grow by practically applying God’s Word to their lives. Susan is a free-lance writer, editor and bookkeeper, and serving alongside her husband, Gary, is partnered in ministry of

Who Am I? This is one of those vital questions most people ask of themselves at some point in life. The answer helps shape our sense of self-worth and identity, our internal dialogue, and who we are in Christ. It creates the foundation from which relationships are formed, gives meaning to our calling and purpose, and often defines the ways we engage with family members, friends, coworkers or colleagues. Gary and Susan Morais have created a must read pathway of self-discovery and personal freedom based on the Quipping Profile® and years of documented research. Whether for your own benefit or in working with others, this engaging resources will quickly become a constant "go to" companion along the way. Are you asking the question?  Turn the book over, go to page 1, and start walking out the answers.
Eric Scalise, PhD, LPC, LMFT
Senior VP and Chief Strategy Officer
Hope for the Heart

Related ISBN's: 9781792490231, 9781792496516




ISBN 9781792490231

Details Print Product