Author(s): Gary Morais, Paul Crews
In today’s world there is an enormous need for healthy mature leaders. Why? Because most people have not been taught real leadership thinking skills. Sure, they may have completed a course or attended a class, but were not taught healthy, mature thinking characteristics possessed by great leaders.
The book you hold in your hand is significantly different from the majority of leadership books you may have read.
Author(s): Gary Morais
Who do know that is struggling in relationships, personal challenges, addictions, or just “feeling stuck” in life? This book provides life transforming solutions in an easy to read, practical format. It is designed to give you tools that have already helped thousands of people to actually change their lives, and may not only help you, but equip you to help others. The content in this book not only gives you these solutions but will help you see Jesus in a more intimate, personal way. We are called to be Christ-like, so we need to think about what it means to be like Christ! We are told to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2) – to change our thinking. As we learn how to do that, we will become more like Him, transforming our lives, and how we interact with others, resulting in a more fulfilled, joyful life.
Author(s): Gary Morais, Susan Sorian-Morais
Every day we are being told who and what we are supposed to be. Empirical research estimates that 95% of people in the U.S. do not know who they are. The result? This affects communication and relationships, causing us to be vulnerable to the influence of what is around us, instead of secure in who we really are. This little book can be life-changing, as the clinically proven, Biblical principles are applied to our lives. Who Am I? is a journey to self-discovery and personal freedom, overcoming fears, anxieties, and those feelings of inadequacy and “being stuck” as we begin to truly realize who we were created to be.